Jura Soyfer

Collected Works (English)



Soyfer Collected Works

Cover “It’s Up to Us!”

Jura Soyfer (1912–1939) is translated by now (June 2008) in about 40 languages. The book “It’s up to Us!” introduces American readers to a kind of Austrian Literature which has proved of enduring value and relevance – not only in Austria, but within the globalization process.

In the time of the building of knowledge societies Jura Soyfers texts are most important, because they show the value of language, of literature, of the arts. The show a human spirit even in times of violence and war. And they show the importance of big laughter also in the times of darkness.

The content of “It’s Up to Us!”:

  • Verse and Short Prose
  • 5 Plays (“The end of the world”, “Trip to Paradise”, “Astoria”, “Vineta”, “Broadway Melody 1492”
  • The Novel (“Thus Died a Party”)
  • Song of Twenthieth Century Man
  • The Dachau Song
  • Appendix

Orders: Ariadne Press


More Translations:

The Corner. Georg Anders (= Jura Soyfer). Translated by James Cleugh. In: “New Writing” (London), No.2, Autumn 1936. [ Part of the novel “Thus Died a Party”]

Journey to Paradise [Lechner Edi]. Translated by Viktor Grünbaum (Victor Gruen) und John Latouche. 1939 [Typo script in the property of Walter Engel, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.]

A Question of Nerves. Georg Anders (= Jura Soyfer). Translated by Charles Asleigh. In: “New Writing” (London), New Series, Nr. 3, Christmas 1939. [ Part of the novel “Thus Died a Party”]

Song of the Austrians in Dachau [“Das Dachau-Lied”]. Translated by John Lehmann. In: Junges Österreich. Young Austria (London), 3.Jg., Nr. 21, 11th October 1951. [In: John Lehmann, Collected Poems 1930-1963. Eyre&Spottiswoode, London 1963.

Song of the Simple Man [“Lied des einfachen Menschen”]. Translated by Greta Hartwig. [Typo script, Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes, Altes Rathaus, 1010 Wien]

Song of the Twentieth-Century Man [“Lied des einfachen Menschen”]. Translated by John Lehmann. [In: John Lehmann, Collected Poems 1930-1963. Eyre&Spottiswoode, London 1963.]

Eddie Lechner’s Trip to Paradise [“Lechner Edi”]. Translated by Horst Jarka. In: Modern International Drama (Binghamton, New York), 4 (1971), Nr.2.

The End of the World [“Der Weltuntergang”]. Translated by Horst Jarka. In: Modern International Drama (Binghamton, New York), 5 (1972), Nr.2.

The Legacy of Jura Soyfer 1912–1939. Poems, Prose and Plays of an Austrian Antifascist. Edited and translated by Horst Jarka. Engendra Press, Montreal 1977, 363 pages.

© JSG 2008